text style: Bold Text = <b>Bold Text</b> Italic Text = <i>Italic Text</i> Underlined Text = <u>Underlined Text</u> Striked-Out Text = <strike>Striked-Out Text</strike> Sub Script Text = <sub>Sub Script</sub> Text Super Script Text = <sup>Super Script</sup> Text Typewriter Text = <tt>Typewriter Text</tt> To use a combination of them, eg. Bold&Italic = <b><i>Bold&Italic</i></b> ♥ = ♥ · = · © = © ® = ® « = « » = » ยบ = º ™ = ™ To create bulleted lists: eg. List Item 1 List Item 2 List Item 3 =<ul> <li>List Item 1 <li>List Item 2 <li>List Item 3 </ul> To create a link,eg: Yahoo = <a href="url here">Link Name</a> If you want the link to open in a new window, eg: Baik_Punyer = <a href...